The BACnet Interface provides the ability for a building management system (BMS) to control all VRV, SkyAir, and Daikin RA and FTXS indoor units with the use of the KRP928BB2S RA Adapter. It is capable of controlling a maximum of 2 DIII-Net systems or 64 indoor unit groups (128 indoor units) connected to a maximum of 10 outdoor units on each DIII-Net system. Each DIII-Net system is independent of each other and each DIII-Net system will terminate on its own DIII-Net port (2 DIII-Net ports standard). The Optional DIII Board (DAM411B51) can be added to the interface. This option provides 2 additional DIII-Net ports to the interface; a total of 4 DIII-Net ports (maximum of 64 indoor unit groups per DIII-Net port) which can handle a maximum of 256 indoor unit groups (512 indoor units) and 40 outdoor units.
The BACnet Interface uses a standard open protocol based on ANSI/ASHREA Standard 135. The BACnet Interface has been certified by the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL). The BACnet Interface is compatible with BACnet IP (ISO16484-5).
The BACnet Interface can be used in conjunction with the BRC1E71/72 (Navigation Remote Controller), the BRC2A71 (Simplified Remote Controller), or the BRC4C82/7E83/7F812/7E818/7E830 (Wireless Remote Controller), DCS601C71 (intelligent Touch Controller (ITC)), with or without the DCS601A72 (ITC DIII Plus Adapter), and the DCM601A71 (intelligent Touch Manager (iTM)), with or without the DCM601A72 (iTM Plus Adapter) to control the same indoor unit groups.
The BACnet Interface is capable of being configured as a foreign device. It is capable of communicating across BACnet Broadcast Management Devices (BBMD) in different subnet networks.
The BACnet Interface is capable of supporting Change of Value (COV) notification for all available objects.
LED display provides the interface’s operational status and alarm.
The BACnet Interface is capable of displaying indoor unit objects on the BACnet building management system.
The BACnet Interface provides the BMS with the capability to command the setpoint temperature in 10F (0.1°C) increments with a range of 60°F - 90°F (16°C - 32°C), and to monitor the room temperature in 0.1°F (0.1°C) with 0.1°C accuracy.
Display of room temperature and setpoint information is configurable for Fahrenheit or Celsius
Error codes generated by the indoor units, outdoor units, branch selector boxes, and remote controllers shall be displayed on the BACnet building management system in the event of system abnormality/error with a two digit error code as specified by Daikin.
Basic Operation:
The BACnet Interface will provide up to 28 objects that can be monitored/controlled via the BACnet building management system (see the Interface for use in BACnet Design Guide –EDUS72-749B)
Capable of controlling up to 64 indoor unit groups (128 indoor units) per DIII-Net port (2 DIII-Net ports standard).
Optional DIII Board (DAM411B51) can be added to increase DIII-Net ports to a total of 4 DIII-Net ports.
This provides a total of 256 indoor unit groups (512 indoor units) that can be monitored and controlled via the BACnet building management system
The Building Management System can monitor and control the following group operations:
Operation Mode (Cool, Heat, Fan, Auto, and Dry)
Single setpoint setting for Cooling and Heating
Fan status
Fan Speed
Airflow direction (dependent upon indoor unit type)
Remote controller permit/prohibit of On/Off, Mode, and Setpoint
Filter sign reset for indoor units
Disable the intelligent Touch Controller or intelligent Touch Manager
Forced off of indoor units
Forced Thermo-off of indoor units
Energy saving offset of indoor unit setpoint
Compressor status
Thermo-on status
Heater status